整体旋压无焊缝M-LA-180铝合金灯杆 灯杆
时间:2013-01-04 10:19来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠
整体旋压无焊缝M-LA-180铝合金灯杆 灯杆,所在地:无锡,如需咨询整体旋压无焊缝M-LA-180铝合金灯杆 灯杆,请联系,专
光源类型 钠灯 功率 150W/250W/400W
材质 铝合金 电压 220(V)
品牌 美力凯(南天) 型号 M-LA-180
防护等级 IP65 外形尺寸 800(mm)
主要适用范围 城市道路、球场、桥梁、广场、住宅小区等
在中国,美力凯(南天)是第一家引进现代旋压技术生产铝合金灯杆, 铝灯杆, 庭院铝合金灯杆的厂家。在国内是以钢制灯杆为主导的照明行业,铝合金灯杆的出现无疑代表了一种前卫,一种其它材料所无可比拟的尊贵与优雅。铝合金灯杆在欧美国家是相当成熟的产品,如法国、波兰、荷兰等。现在美力凯将铝合金灯杆引入中国,将彻底改变国外铝杆因价格高、交货周期长而无人问津的局面。一、铝合金灯杆原材料用于旋压的原材料均为等径的6061或者6063铝合金管材,它是一种优秀的铝合金建筑型材,被广泛的用于建筑铝门窗、幕墙的框架等,具有高的抗风压性能、装配性能、耐蚀性能和装饰性能。二、杆体的形成原材料通过引进的大型全数控的旋压设备,在高速旋转的过程中形成锥形或异形杆,并将成形的杆体抛光,以除去杆体表面的油污、毛刺及压痕。所有的杆体不允许有纵向的焊缝。三、底板的焊接为了保证底座的强度,所有铝杆的底座均采用6061或6063的铝板经专用模具冲压而成,或者采用A356压力铸造而成。杆体底板的焊接全部采用自动焊,在这个高质量的焊接过程中,焊接的强度及美观度都得以保证。 铝合金灯杆详细说明 铝合金灯杆规格参数产品简介: 灯杆使用国外先进的旋压设备,利用无模芯全数控技术制造。产品永久性不生锈。多元化表面处理工艺,使外观线条简洁流畅。新型灯杆弥补了传统灯杆易生锈,款式单一,表面粗糙,开模费较高,不环保的缺点,被广泛应用在欧美国家。目前我们不仅可以生产常规样式,还可以根据客户具体要求进行设计生产。 产品特点: 优质铝管不生锈。优质铝合金建筑型材,保证了产品在自然环境中的抗腐蚀性; 质量轻。铝合金灯杆秉承了铝材强度高,重量轻的特点,相同规格的灯杆,铝灯杆的重量仅为铁质灯杆的1/3;方便安装运输; 表面光洁无瑕疵。我们选用优质的铝管为原材料,灯杆表面光洁细腻,完美呈现铝合金的金属本色; 表面处理工艺: 阳极氧化表面处理。产品经过阳极氧化处理后,形成20μm封闭性膜层,以确保灯杆在任何自然环境中的耐腐蚀性,并保证在25年内杆体无明显变色。 聚脂粉末喷塑表面处理。灯杆表面可进行彩色聚脂粉末的喷涂,色泽鲜艳、抗紫外线,不褪色。 适用场所: 住宅区、广场、公园、学校、商业街等。 铝杆优点及同类产品对比表铝杆的优点:1、防腐性能好 2、免维护 3、质量轻,方便运输安装 4、表面处理方式丰富 5、比铁灯杆和玻璃钢灯杆寿命长 6、可100%回收,且熔炼温度低,节能减排 7、可采用插入式的安装方式 8、比玻璃钢灯杆的振幅小 对比表:产品优点缺点铁杆强度好l 容易腐蚀生锈l 重量是铝的三倍,运输安装成本高l 回收价值有限l 不可采用插入式的安装方式l 表面处理方式单调玻璃钢杆质量轻可采用插入式的安装方式l 寿命短l 没有回收价值,处理非常困难昂贵l 紫外线对杆体的破坏非常严重l 维护费用太高l 容易被外界的器械损伤水泥柱可采用插入式的安装方式强度好不需喷涂l 非常重,带来昂贵的运输成本l 无回收价值l 安装设备昂贵、安装困难l 比其他材料危险 Preface•In China, MRC is the first manufacturer bringing in modern spinning technology to produce aluminum alloy poles. With steel poles in the domestic-oriented lighting industry, the emergence of aluminum poles undoubtedly represent as advanced, distinguished and elegant material unexampled. Aluminum light pole in the United States and Europe is a very mature product, such as France, Poland, the Netherlands and so on . Now MRC brings aluminum poles technology into China, it will completely change the aluminium pole unfavorable sale situation in China rising from high prices abroad and long delivery cycle. For safety reasons, now EU has a mandatory requirement: the light poles have to be aluminum alloy material, which is implemented step by step. It is because when a moving vehicle collide the aluminum pole, aluminum pole will bend homeopathicly, so that vehicles can be a buffer, the car will not stop in an instant and people in car will not fly out from the window. And as virtue of the aluminum pole tenacity, passengers will not be injured from fracture . if same situation occurred in the steel poles, the results is quite different. Aluminum also has a high environmental protection and can be 100% recovery, and the melting temperature of aluminium is much lower than steel to call of the world's energy-saving emission reduction. Aluminum poles, with its smooth lines, clear and delicate surface, various and anti-corrosion surface treatment, environmental protection, safety features, and so on, will certainly bring immense market opportunities and get more and more recognized from customers. Aluminum poles can also be used for the tapered flagpoles. The emergence of aluminum flagpole will be gradually replaced stainless steel sheet-rolled flagpole which is easily black, rust, and its roundness can not be guaranteed.MRC will base on the quality, innovative idea, to offer sophisticated, unique, safe, environmentally friendly aluminum pole products and timely, professional, cordial human services.