时间:2013-01-04 10:19来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠
型号 M-TN 灯盘尺寸 0.12(m)
杆高 2-6(m) 灯盘重量kg 3
照明面积 15(m2) 主要适用范围 庭院,街道,小区,广场,学校,酒店等场所。
推美力凯SPINNING铝合金灯杆-世博会选用产品无锡南天安全设施有限公司是中国首家生产铝合金灯杆,铝灯杆,灯柱,庭院灯杆,锥形铝旗杆,锥形铝管,锥形铝灯杆的企业.目前南天公司可以的口径最大可以到280mm,最小口径可以到50mm,单根加工长度可以达到12米.壁厚为6mm.最短为2米,可以做的表面处理为:1.阳极氧化处理,就像现在我们草坪里的灯杆一样.2.静电喷塑处理,就像我们现在做的栅栏一样.3.喷漆处理,就像我们一般铁件的处理方法.对以上三种表面处理的方法,都可以把工件的表面做的相当漂亮,因为工件本身的光洁度比较好.产品工艺流程 一、原材料用于旋压的原材料均为等径的6061或者6063铝合金管材,它是一种优秀的铝合金建筑型材,被广泛的用于建筑铝门窗、幕墙的框架等,具有高的抗风压性能、装配性能、耐蚀性能和装饰性能。二、二、杆体的形成原材料通过引进的大型全数控的旋压设备,在高速旋转的过程中形成锥形或异形杆,并将成形的杆体抛光,以除去杆体表面的油污、毛刺及压痕。所有的杆体不允许有纵向的焊缝。(是否配设备图片) 三、底板的焊接为了保证底座的强度,所有铝杆的底座均采用6061或6063的铝板经专用模具冲压而成,或者采用A356压力铸造而成。杆体底板的焊接全部采用自动焊,在这个高质量的焊接过程中,焊接的强度及美观度都得以保证。(配焊接好的底板图片)四、电器孔每根灯杆都有一个用于安装接线盒的电器孔。我们采用先进的切割设备切割电器孔的门板,使门板成为杆体的一部分,所以是紧配的,且门缝间隙均匀,保证了电器孔的防水性。电器孔一般开在灯杆底板往上500mm的地方(也可以根据杆体的形状来定)。在门板的后方,即杆体内部,需烧焊一根铝的横档用来固定接线盒。门锁使用特制锁扣加以不锈钢防盗螺丝来锁紧门板,只有使用我们提供的专业工具才能打开,从而提高了产品的防盗性能。(配电器孔图纸及图片)(防盗螺丝及相应的扳手需要提供说明)接地系统用铝条折成“L”形的工件,工件的一边紧贴杆体内壁焊接,另一边的中心开一个M8的孔,用于电线接地。六、分段杆体的连接两截式的杆子使用特殊的连接夹具来连接。(配上图片及图纸)连接夹具由4个U形卡件及螺丝组成,连接使用的螺丝为M8*45。七、强度处理为了让铝合金具备钢的强度,我们所有的铝杆都必须经过淬火时效处理,达到T6状态,以符合铝杆国际通用强度标准。淬火处理流程:成形杆体——530℃高温淬火——快速冷却——170℃恒温10小时时效八、杆子下端及底座的防腐保护所有杆体下端部分需要被保护,以防止土壤中盐碱成份侵蚀及机械性的损伤。保护的涂层及方式都是环保的。美力凯采用环氧树脂作为涂料来覆盖底座及底座往上350mm的杆体表面。插入式的杆子底部必须用环氧树脂做保护,保护层的厚度在0.7mm-1.0mm之间。(附图)九、表面处理(一)、阳极氧化 美力凯以阳极氧化作为铝杆表面处理的标准,因为阳极氧化能提供最佳的表面状态。发丝原色打磨的铝杆在环境污染比较严重的区域如:海边、十字路口及盐碱地的公路,是非常容易变色、发黑甚至腐蚀的。但阳极氧化可以保证铝杆的表面、伸出去的挑臂及其他附件不被腐蚀。阳极氧化是通过电化学的方法在金属的表面产生一层氧化层。氧化层的厚度有几种不同的规格,主要由安装的位置及当地的环境来决定。标准的阳极氧化层的厚度为12μm,这已经可以保证杆体在潮湿的环境中不被腐蚀。一般型材的阳极氧化流程为:脱脂---水洗---水洗---碱洗---水洗---水洗---出光---水洗---纯水洗---阳极氧化---水洗---水洗----着色(电解/化学)----水洗----水洗---封孔1、脱脂无论采用何种方法加工的铝材及制品,表面上都会不同程度地存在着污垢和缺陷,如灰尘、金属氧化物(天然的或高温下形成的氧化铝薄膜)、残留油污、沥青标志、人工搬运手印(主要成分是脂肪酸和含氮的化合物)、焊接熔剂以及腐蚀盐类、金属毛刺、轻微的划擦伤等。因此在氧化处理之前,用化学和物理的方法对制品表面进行必要的清洗,使其裸露纯净的金属基体,以利氧化着色顺利进行,从而获得与基体结合牢固、色泽和厚度都满足要求且具有最佳耐蚀、耐磨、耐侯等良好性能的人工膜。 2、碱蚀(碱洗) 碱蚀是铝制品在添加或不添加其他物质的氢氧化钠溶液中进行表面清洗的过程,通常也称为碱腐蚀或碱洗。其作用是作为制品经某些脱脂方法脱脂后的补充处理,以便进一步清理表面附着的油污赃物;清除制品表面的自然氧化膜及轻微的划擦伤。从而使制品露出纯净的金属基体,利于阳极膜的生成并获得较高质量的膜层。此外,通过改变溶液的组成、温度、处理时间及其他操作条件,可得到平滑或缎面无光或光泽等不同状态的蚀洗表面。3、出光(中和) 铝制品蚀洗后表面附着的灰色或黑色挂灰在冷的或热的清水洗中都不溶解,但却能溶于酸性溶液中,所以经热碱溶液蚀洗的制品都得进行旨在除去挂灰和残留碱液,以露出光亮基本金属表面的酸浸清洗,这种过程称为中和、光泽或出光处理。 4、阳极氧化处理 以铝或铝合金制品为阳极置于电解质溶液(一般为硫酸溶液)中,利用电解作用,使其表面形成氧化铝薄膜的过程,称为铝及铝合金的阳极氧化处理。 5、着色(1)、化学着色 化学着色法工艺简单、控制容易、、着色色域宽、色泽鲜艳。A、单色染色:将经阳极氧化、用清水洗净的铝制品,浸入规定温度染液中浸泡。B、多色染色:在铝件上染两种和多种不同的颜色,如山水、花鸟、文字等,多采用印花工艺来完成。(2)、电解着色 电解着色工艺具有颜色耐晒、不易褪色等特点,是目前应用最广泛的着色方法。通过改变着色的时间分别可以得到黄色、香槟色、古铜色、棕色、黑色等。 6、封孔为了提高铝件质量和染着色牢固,着色后必须将氧化膜层的微细孔隙予以封闭,经过封闭处理后表面变得均匀无孔,形成致密的氧化膜。染料沉积在氧化膜内再也擦不掉,且经封闭后的氧化膜不再具有吸附性,可避免吸附有害物质而被污染或早期腐蚀,从而提高了阳极氧化膜的防污染、抗蚀等性能。常用的着色后的封孔方法有水合封孔、无机盐溶液封孔、透明有机涂层封孔。 阳极氧化杆子的特点:阳极氧化层是金属表面的一部分,不会产生脱皮、剥落、褪色的现象。寿命长:产品经过阳极氧化处理后,形成12μm封闭性膜层,以确保灯杆在任何自然环境中的耐腐蚀性,并保证在25年内杆体无明显变色。(二)、氟碳喷涂 一种新型涂层材料,具有优异的抗退色性、抗起霜性、抗大气污染(酸雨等)的腐蚀性,抗紫外线能力强,抗裂性强以及能够承受恶劣天气环境,是一般涂料所不及的。(三)、喷塑灯杆表面可进行彩色聚脂粉末的喷涂,色泽鲜艳、抗紫外线,不褪色。 注意:由于杆体、底板、焊丝等的材质差异,阳极氧化后在焊接的部位会产生一定的色差,这是不可避免的。如果要保证杆体表面颜色的一致性,推荐使用喷塑或者氟碳喷涂的表面处理。 Producing Process 1, materialThe materials used for spinning are straight round 6061 or 6063 aluminum pipe. They’re excellent extruded profiles for architecture and widely used as aluminum windows and doors construction, wall frame and so on. They have a high wind resistance performance , fabricated performance, corrosion resistance and decorative properties.2, forming polesRaw materials, through large non-mould CNC spinning equipment, are formed conic or abnormity poles in the process of high-speed rotating. In the following, the formed poles will be polished to remove oils, glitches, and indentation on surface. All the poles do not have longitudinal weld.3, welding of base plateIn order to ensure the strength of the base, all base plates are 6061 or 6063 aluminum alloy sheet pressed by special mould or cast aluminum A356. Automatic welding is used to weld the base plates of the poles. In this high-quality welding process, strength and aesthetics are guaranteed.4, access doorEach light pole has an access door for the installation of the electrical junction box. We use advanced cutting machine to cut the door, so the door is part of pole and is tightly matched, and the crack gap is even, which guarantee the door waterproof. Generally access door is 500mm up from the ground in the poles (also may based on the shape of poles). At the back of door, that is inside the pole, there’s a aluminum rail welded for fixing the junction box. Lock is specially made with stainless steel anti-theft screws, and only professional tools provided can open, thereby this enhances the product's security performance. 5, grounding systemuse a "L"-shaped folded aluminum workpiece, one side is welded to the wall of the pole, on the other side, drill a M8 hole in the center for the grounding wire.6, connection of subsection polesTwo-sections poles use special linked clamp to connect. Clamp is made up of four U-shaped pieces and screws, the screws are M8 * 45.7, temper treatmentTo ensure the strength aluminum alloy, all of our aluminum poles will be subject to quench aging treatment to T6 grade to comply with international strength standard for aluminum pole.8, anticorrosive protection of the root sectionThe lower part of the poles should be protected from salt alkaloid ingredient corrosion in the soil and mechanical damage. The protection coating and the way of production are environmentally friendly. MRC cover the pole base and the lower part of poles up to 350mm in height with epoxy resins. All directly-buried poles base cover epoxy resin and the thickness between 0.7mm-1.0mm.9, surface treatment(one), anodic oxidationMRC offer anodized finish as standard because it provides the best quality product . Brushed poles cannot offer the same lever of protection and easily blacken in polluted aggressive environments such as coastal corrosion areas, traffic intersections and salted road are susceptible to corrosion. Anodizing is used to protect the aluminum surface of poles, extension arms and ornamental motifs from corrosion.Anodizing is an electrochemical method which creates an oxide layer on the surface of the metal. Anodized coatings are supplied in several thickness of coating appropriate to the installation location and local conditions. The standard anodized coating is 12microns and this ensure safe use in moderate to harsh conditions.anodic oxidation process of general profile as follows: degreasing—washing--washing-- caustic washing --washing ---washing --- bright---washing ---pure water washing-- anodic oxidation---washing---Washing-- coloring (electrolytic / chemical )---- washed washed ----sealing (A) degreasing No matter how you process the aluminum products, the surface will exist in varying degrees, dirt and defects, such as dust, metal oxides (oxide film formed under natural or high temperature ), residual oil, asphalt signs, artificial Handling fingerprints (the main component is fatty acids and nitrogen-containing compounds), welding flux, as well as corrosive salts, metal burrs, scratches and other minor draw. Therefore, prior to oxidation treatment, it is necessary to use chemical or physical methods to clean the surface of the products in order to expose metal matrix to do oxidation coloring and get the artificial membranes, which is combined with the solid matrix. Its color and thickness will meet the requirements and it has the best corrosion resistance, wearable , weatherproof performance(B) Alkali etching (caustic washing) Alkali etching is the process that wash the surface of aluminum products in the sodium hydroxide solution within or without other substances, also known as alkali corrosion or caustic washing. Its role is to make up degreasing and do further cleaning, to remove natural oxide film and minor abrasions on surface. So that products expose clean metal matrix which is conducive to the generation of anodic film and has a high-quality film. In addition, by changing the composition of solution, temperature, processing time and other operating conditions, we’ll have smooth ,satin-matt, gloss or other kinds of corrosion washing surface. (C) bright (neutralization) the gray or black hanging ash which attach on surface of aluminium products after Alkali etching will not be dissolved in the cold or hot water, but can be dissolve in acidic solution, therefore, after Alkali etching, products should wash in acid solution in order to remove the hanging ash as well as residue lye and expose bright basic metal surface, this process is called neutralization, or bright processing. (D) anodizedaluminum or aluminum alloy products as the anode is placed in electrolyte solution (sulfuric acid solution commonly), through electrolysis, to make aluminum oxide film formed on the surface, this process is known as anodized. (E) colouring1, chemical coloring Chemical coloring process is simple, easy to control, having a wide color range and the color is bright.(1) monochrome staining: immerse aluminum products which is finish anodic oxidation and washing into the dye liquor that is in stated temperature. (2) multi-color staining: two or more colours are required on aluminiun products , such as landscapes, flowers and birds, text, mainly use printing process to complete.2, electrolytic coloring Electrolytic coloring process is sun-proof and hard to fade, it is the most widely used method of coloring.Through changing the dyeing time, we may gain yellow, champagne, bronze colour , brown ,black and so on. (Vi) sealing In order to improve the quality of aluminum and dyeing, the micro-porous of the oxidized film should be closed after colouring. After sealing treatment the surface becomes even and non-porous and form a dense oxide film. Dye depositing in the oxide membrane is indelible. And the oxide film has no adsorption, which will avoid being contaminated by absorption of harmful substances and early erosion, thus it improves anti-pollution and anti-corrosion of anodic oxide film. Commonly hydrated sealing way, inorganic salt solution sealing way, transparent organic coating sealing way after dyeing are available. Features of anodized pole:Anodized layer is part of metal surface, which will not peel and flake, and the color won’t fade;Long life: through anodic oxidation treatment, product forms a 12μm sealing film in order to ensure the poles to resist corrosion in nature and no significant discoloration in 25 years. (B), fluorocarbon coating A new coating material, it has excellent anti-fade, anti-frost, anti-air polluted (acid rain, etc.) corrosion, anti-UV ability, and strong anti-crack and the ability to withstand harsh weather conditions that the general coating can’t reach.(C), powder coatingLight pole surface can be colored polyester powder coating, bright color, anti-ultraviolet radiation, non-fading.Note: Because rod body, boards, wire and other material differences, anodizing would produce a certain color,NOTICE: Anodizing inherently results in color variations on aluminum as the material difference between the poles, the base and the welding material, it is inevitable. If you want to ensure the color consistency on surface of poles, powder coating or fluorocarbon coating is recommended.联系人:杨先生手机:13961880198电话:0510-68085238